Saturday, September 29, 2012

Installing the Overflow from a Cistern

Though I certainly knew that overflow piping from cisterns existed, it had never hit home that I was going to have to put it in. Let's face it, all sorts of plumbing things intimidated me A couple months ago, my friend was putting in an overflow for his cistern and told me I needed to absolutely do it. I accepted it, mentally putting it on the list of stuff I would do before winter but didn't want to have to do any sooner than necessary.

That's a Wrap

Whoo! Finally a moment to catch my breath, catch up and actually update the blog. In addition to the physical and emotional turmoil of being pregnant, I've been working like a maniac trying to get the house finished up *enough* to give birth in it in February, and getting it winterized before I leave...left today.