Monday, January 30, 2012

Aussie Article About My House

The Owner-Builder in Australia contacted me about doing an article for their magazine. I wrote about the process of building my earthbag house and it just came out in the February/March 2012 edition! Check out the link below. Unfortunately, you have to subscribe to it either online or in print to be able to read/see it (there's lots of cool photos, all of which are on this blog too). I love how it turned out and it was beyond exciting for me to not only write a synthesis of this wondrous last year, but to have it published too!


  1. Thats awesome alyssa! Congrats!

  2. hello,your house is really looking good,we own land in the neighborhood and would you consider doing a house like this for us ,with us helping? what would you charge?
    sincerely , kevin & cheryl

    1. Hi Kevin,
      Where are you guys exactly? I think you've told me but I forget. I'd be interested and open to either. Email me and we'll talk about it more--alyssawebley at gmail dot com

  3. congrats on being published in The Owner Builder mag here in Australia
    when we were in the midst of our project I wrote an article for them too
    however, you guys have a lot more freedom where you are to do things how you like
    much more regulated here
