Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bedroom Plaster

I had my first work party to get mud my bedroom and it was a great success. Kerry and Richard, who I'd heard of but never met, showed up with their two kids on Saturday. Also that day, David and Simone came over. They were all a huge help, especially David and Simone who returned the next day when Susan and her daughter also came over. We got 99% of the first layer done and about 95% of the second layer of plaster and it looks great!

For the first layer I followed Doni and Kaki's recipe for fat plaster, including wheat paste which is very easy to make. The second layer is a fat-free plaster with no straw. It was all much more time consuming than expected (like everything else) but we got a lot done. I left town for a week right after that, but now going back I'll be working on the bottle wall between the bedroom and the bathroom and doing the bedroom floor.

David and Simone working on the finish layer.

The base fat plaster layer.

The left is the finish layer and the right is the base layer of plaster.

A finished section of the wall.

David and Simone working away. The windows are beautiful!

The mess of the floor. Thankfully it'll be mud too.

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